Geek of all Trades Podcast by Brian "Arkle" Webber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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Praise for Arkle
"I'm just enjoying the f*** out of your podcast." Jack Jaffee, author of Down The Road.
"...[L]isteners, I hope you enjoy it." J.C. Hutchins, author of the 7th Son trilogy
"I've been on [The Casting Game] and it's pretty cool." Christiana Ellis, author of Nina Kimberley the Merciless
24 December 2008
Melissa Etheridge Confronts Elisabeth Hasselbeck (video)
I have a list like Cenk's, but Patricia Heaton is at the top of mine. Hasselrack is on there too, but I have one problem with his list. Paris Hilton was on it? Dude, if I was rip-roaring drunk and she was hanging off me at a party, I still would say no. Ick.
23 December 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #13: Putting the Saturn back in Saturnalia
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Podsafe Music:
The Very Last Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt Ever: Who is Carter Wolff?
I Should Be Writing:
Tale Chasing:
Down the Road:
Mentioned on the Show:
Fair Use
Black Nite Crash
Der Geek podcast
The 2nd Amendment
A link to my new promo
Flying Pen Press
Microphone Fiend lyrics
Obama defends choice of ministers
A Moving 40th Birthday Gift
Peter David
J. Michael Straczynski
Fertile women more open to corny chat-up lines
Woman accused of trying to sell 'gothic kittens'
Dog evades threats of tobacco - but not traffic
Christopher Paolini
Ben Twisted
16 December 2008
14 December 2008
This was awesome news!
Dear Podcast Owner
Your podcast feed, [ ] was successfully added and is now under review.
The iTunes Store Team
How fucking awesome is that? If I make it up there guys, please oh please write some 5 star reviews for me. :-)
12 December 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #12: 'Cause I'm hype/hyped as a hypochondriac.
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Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: Cyberpunk with bunnies
Best of the Left:
Form Letter Rejection Theatre:
Mentioned on the Show:
Sligo Rags
Personal Effects: Dark Art
The CSI Franchise
The Rachel Maddow Show (radio)
The Rachel Maddow Show (TV)
We Can Do It Again
Company tries to get gun classed as medical device
Man killed for 'hogging karaoke'
We had real dictators back then! Good times!
Fireman fled mice
12v Theater
A Thousand Kisses Deep lyrics
Nine-year-old's self-help book a hit
December 12th
11 December 2008
Another great one from the Kos.
Guilt By Imagination
by BarbinMD
Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:35:05 AM PST
It was clear from the start:
...ROD BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the open seat but "they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them."
...that President-elect Obama wasn't playing ball with the corrupt governor of Illinois, but that hasn't stopped various media hacks from trying to turn the Rod Blagojevich scandal into Obamagate.
For example, from Politico, we get:
At first blush, Barack Obama comes out of the Rod Blagojevich scandal smelling like a rose. The prosecutor at a news conference seemed to give the president-elect a seal of approval, and the Illinois governor himself was caught on tape complaining that Obama was not interested in crooked schemes.
But make no mistake: For Obama and his team, the Blagojevich scandal is a stink bomb tossed at close range.
And Politico's reason for thinking that? Easy. Because Republicans will express pseudo-outrage, draw false connections, and Politico will report it.
And then there's this from Liz "Sprinkles" Sidoti of the Associated Press:
President-elect Barack Obama hasn't even stepped into office and already a scandal — not of his own making — is threatening to dog him.
Obama isn't accused of anything. But the fact that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a fellow Democrat, has been charged with trying to sell Obama's now-vacant Senate post gives political opponents an opening to criticize him. A slew of questions remain. The investigation is still under way. And the ultimate impact on Obama is far from certain.
While a bit more dramatic than the Politico opening, the message is the same: Yeah, sure, I know Obama isn't involved, but as long as I can find a Republican to talk about it, I've got a story.
The Washington Times went the inflammatory headline route:
Scandal casts cloud over Obama presidency
...while Chris Matthews opted for the incoherent:
But Fitzgerald made clear that Obama was not implicated today. Here he is, quote, "The complaint makes no allegations about the president-elect whatsoever." Obama said this afternoon that he had no contact with Governor Blagojevich over who was gonna fill that Senate seat.
Still, there are many unanswered questions, including that one.
The unifying theme throughout this coverage is, when you have a corrupt politician, caught on tape peddling influence and cursing like a sailor, guilt by imaginary association trumps boring issues like the economy and health care any day of the week.
10 December 2008
02 December 2008
From Daily Kos: When Conservatives Heart Clinton...America Has Moved Left
When Conservatives Heart Clinton...America Has Moved Left
by Jed L
Tue Dec 02, 2008 at 01:30:03 PM PST
There's a whole lot of stupid coming from the right these days. Take, for example, conservative radio host Michael Reagan with CNN anchor Kiran Chetry on Tuesday morning. Reagan echoed Rush Limbugh's argument that President-elect Obama's selection of Hillary Clinton is a bow to the right, and that it has "liberal websites" like Daily Kos up in arms.
Of course, anyone who bothers to check the facts knows that claim is simply not true. Moreover, underscoring his ignorance, Reagan can't even pronounce 'Daily Kos' (Kos rhymes with dose, not sauce):
Here's the deal: we won, and they are declaring victory.
In the same breath that they are saying that this is a center-right nation, conservatives like Limbaugh and Reagan are highlighting the appointment of Hillary Clinton as a victory for the right.
In 1998, they were impeaching Bill Clinton. Now they are claiming Hillary as one of their own.
The center has the left.
26 November 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #11: Tron Paul
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: What are genies like between masters?
Buffy Between the Lines:
The Radio Adventures of Doctor Floyd:
Mentioned on the Show:
Slice of Sci-Fi
Mitt Zombie '08
Quantum of Solace
New Star Trek Trailer
November 26th
American Dad: Ollie North Song
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology urges repeal of Louisiana ‘Creation Law’
The Spirit
Men guilty over fake penis scam
Judge sentences offenders to listen to Barry Manilow
Cash to name babies for Mussolini
Accused Drunk Driver Ends Up Running Over Himself
The Weird Show
The Ninth: A Heroes Podcast
I'm Your Man lyrics
Google Alerts
Alan Moore
SoCal's atheist billboard taken down
Vagina Rejuvenation
Geologic Podcast
12 November 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #10: It's not the size that counts.
a quick update on his NaNoWriMo project (oh, and the novel too).
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Buy my book!
Main Site:
Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: Crossover Home Improvement with Clarissa Explains It All, using a parade as a plot device.
Archangel: A Novel:
Mike's Hot Dish:
Mentioned on the Show:
Geologic Podcast
The Funny Music Project
Southland Tales soundtrack
The Playing for Keep movie cast
The Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator
Traveller lost in airport for a week
Man’s death in custody linked to ancient curse
Dying Mars lander to enter 'Groundhog Day'
Man builds Lamborghini in cellar
Johnny Cash's One Piece at a Time
The Ninth: A Heroes Podcast
Democracy lyrics, song by Leonard Cohen
31 October 2008
I iz published
30 October 2008
A little something for those tired of looking at Electoral College maps
I myself use "soda," and have to admit to having looked down on people who've called it "pop."
Not that it matters anymore really, I gave up SODA in 2005. ;-)
29 October 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #9: VOTE!
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: None this week.
Mur Lafferty Presents The Takeover:
Mentioned on the Show:
Laffy Taffy
October 29
Mormon influence of CA's Prop. 8
Kung fu fan blows out candles with eyes
Is Dancing Ability Dictated In The Womb?
, alien abductions and Tina Turner feature in Close Encounters secret files
Better Beer: College Team Creating Anticancer Brew
Some of the sources for my McCain rant
15 October 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #8: Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio...
about the new Coen Brothers movie, and rants about a cancelled order at Amazon.
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: Setting: The opening ceremony of the Clarke Space Elevator.
The Weird Show:
Mentioned on the Show:
Slice of Sci-Fi
Andy McKee
Suzanne Lyrics
The Graduate
Home Land by Sam Lipsyte
Kevin Smith
Chuck Palahniuk
Love Story
The Godfather (Xbox 360)
October 15th
Teacher Attacked Over Witch Claim
Victory over dogma in California
Burn After Reading
AMC plans Mars mission
Clarke Dream Becoming a Reality?
Man writes with tears
Ginseng jabs kill three in Yunnan
Chemistry Nobel for green jellyfish protein
Gardener told to take down barbed wire to protect thieves
Mafia Wars
01 October 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #7: I'm not dead! (Now with the whole episode!)
Schenectady writing prompt, talks about Sarah Palin for the first and only time, and does a Dogma Alert for the first time in eons.
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: What if Belgium was behind 9/11?
None this week.
Mentioned on the Show:
iTunes Genius feature
Rogue Wave
7th Son Obsidian
Der Geek
Avenue Q
Arkle's Writing Blog
The ISBW Forums
Michael Moore
The Wikipedia entry on Belgium
October 1st
Andrew Sullivan on the lies of Sarah Palin
1972 Electoral map
1988 Electoral map
What would Thomas Jefferson think of the Bush brothers?
Extinct Giant Tortoise Could Be Revived
Student made roommates get fat
Chinese Say They're Building 'Impossible' Space Drive
Ugandan killed for smoking in bar
30 September 2008
Seperation of Church and State is in dire straits.
"With respect to public acknowledgment of religious belief, it is entirely clear from our Nation's historical practices that the Establishment Clause permits this disregard of polytheists and believers in unconcerned deities, just as it permits the disregard of devout atheists." (McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky, 545 U.S. 844 (2005) (Justice Anton Scalia dissenting).
"Quite simply, the Establishment Clause is best understood as a federalism provision — it protects state establishments from federal interference but does not protect any individual rights. . . . .[E]ven assuming that the Establishment Clause precludes the Federal Government from establishing a national religion, it does not follow that the Clause created or protects any individual right. . . . it is more likely that States and only States were the direct beneficiaries. Moreover, incorporation of this putative individual right leads to a particular outcome: It would prohibit precisely what the Establishment Clause was intended to protect — state establishments of religion." (Justice Clarence Thomas, concurring opinion, Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow).
According to the lifetime appointees of the U.S. Supreme Court, at best only monotheists have religious freedom and states can establish their own religion or church. These are the same sort of justices that John McCain has promised.
11 September 2008
27 August 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #6: What do I hate more? September, or The Doom Generation? I can't pick.
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: "Of all the ways he thought he might die..."
Geologic Podcast:
Socergirl Inc.'s 300th Episode:
Mentioned on the Show:
David Ippolito
Joe Biden
The episode of MILF & Cookies with my VP picks
Battle of Long Island
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Petroleum discovered in Titusville, PA
Florida DOT ceases producing distinctive colored U.S. Highway shields
Mars made its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years
Hallelujah lyrics
Death Race
Cruel Summer lyrics
Playing For Keeps Launch Day results
The Shock Doctrine
The Case of the Pitcher's Pendant
Star Wars Coruscant Nights
Penguins dumping arsenic in Antarctica
First red blood cells grown in the lab
Portal to mythical Mayan underworld found
Monk arrested for giving away cash
Dennis Kucinich: Wake up America!
20 August 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #5: Oh, September, you cruel bitch.
Contact Me:
Voicemail Line: 206-600-4966
E-Mails:, or
Main Site:
Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: Months with personalities.
Down The Road:
Mentioned on the Show:
The Fire Apes
Lois McMaster Bujold
George R.R. Martin
Connie Willis
James Patrick Kelly
David Gerrold
2008 Hugo Award Winners
Star Trek Phase II
Basketball pros read pinkies to call shots
Man has sex with park bench
Groom charged with being too near bride at wedding
Springs to dampen NASA rocket's vibrations
The Weird Show
Parsec Award Nominations
Everybody Knows lyrics
The Verdict at MSNBC: Maddow Gets Own Show
Mukasey: No prosecutions in Justice hiring scandal
The Nightwatch
Khalid ibn al-Walid
President Andrew Johnson formally declared the American Civil War over
Prague Spring
The Abbey Road LP
Congress votes to reduce aid to South Vietnam
Patrick Sherrill
Retaliation for the Aug. 7 bombings of American embassies in Kenya & Tanzania
Citytalkers by Mur Lafferty
Scientology comes to Kenya
13 August 2008
05 August 2008
G.O.A.T. Bonus Episode #3
Promo for Playing For Keeps
Lazy show notes
Bonus: Over at my writing blog, I was bored and had a little fun making up a "cast list" for the non-existent movie version of my book, And Here's To You (October 31st, ding). Feel free to check it out:
01 August 2008
A review of my first podcast interview.
Please remember I love you when you read what I have to say about the Mur Lafferty interview. I swear I mean this to be helpful.
First of all, while the majority of your audience may know her, Judy and Jenny [my grandmother and aunt respectively] don't, so saying someone needs no introduction and then not actually giving them even a cursory one is not only annoying to the listener, but probably to your guest too.Not knowing her I can't be certain, but there were a few times when it sounded to me like she might be annoyed, and that was one of them.
Secondly, when it is natural in the course of the interview that you interject something about yourself,do it then move on quickly. These were a couple of the other times when she sounded to me like she might be annoyed. You spent too much time on you, when your interview was supposed to be about her. If you and your guest are connecting and there is a great give and take some of this kind of behavior can be excused, but you guys did not connect, and that was another thing that led me to believe that she was not enjoying it. She answered quickly and without much elaboration after each question. That definitely gives the impression she is not
into it or you as the interviewer. Plus, she could have asked a couple of questions of you out of sheer politeness, but she didn't which gives me the impression of a selfish person.
Lest I give you the impression that I hated it, I did not. You were complimentary without going overboard into kiss ass, and you sounded more secure than you
probably felt. But I felt the above things were important enough to bring them up.
My response:
Well, you aren't the first to bring up that point about the introduction. Mur herself mentioned it obliquely on Twitter. What didn't make it into the show was the part of our conversation where I told her this was my first interview, and she gave me some encouragement. "Hey, everybody's gotta start somewhere." One of the things she says on her show I Should Be Writing is you're allowed to suck. The more interviews I do the better I'll get and I'll avoid a lot of those mistakes. I just hope I get to do more interviews. ;-)
Also, part of the not connecting may have been that on her end she was getting a bad echo because I didn't have a headset and lost my headphone extension cord so I had my speakers on during the recording. Also, I failed to tell her ahead of time how I was going to be recording it. She said it was distracting to her, and if I could've done something about it at the time I would've.
Like I said, in the future I'll be better, and maybe down the line I'll get a second shot. Season 5 of the Heaven series is coming out soon. But even if I don't, I got a chance to talk to one of my favorite writers, and it was a pleasent experience overall, just like when I met Peter David. It just as easily could've gone the other way, like when Kevin J. Anderson rudely dismissed my question at a ComicCon panel in 2006. See if I ever help him promote anything, the jerk.
Anyway, as per the selfish remark, I also chalk that up to her being distracted by the echo, but to be honest it didn't bother me that she never asked me anything. I've listened to a lot of podcast interviews in the nearly 3 years I've been into podcasting and I don't recall any interviewee doing something like that with an interviewer unless they were already friends, and Mur and I really only don't have anything beyond the "fan/artist" relationship, which is fine by me. I don't have to be friends with everyone in the podcasting community. The fact that I have as many as I do this early in my podcasting "career" frankly is astonishing. Not that I don't appreciate Tosus, and Jack, and Mark mind you. ;-)
So, I guess that's it then. Remember, a G.O.A.T. bonus episode is coming August 5th, and there will be a regular episode on August 13th, but it will be light on content because I'll be at WorldCon all week.
And lastly... Buy it.
30 July 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode #3: I finally get some Pod-cred.
Contact Me:
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Podsafe Music:
This Week's Schenectady Mailbox Writing Prompt: The Shift Change Harrasment Squad.
Buy Playing For Keeps August 25th:
Mentioned on the Show:
The Dark Knight
Neo Cartoon Lover
The X-Files I Want To Believe
Mur Lafferty
Interview With A (Losing) Candidate
The official Watchmen trailer
J.R. Blackwell
Columbus's 4th voyage
Disney's Flowers and Trees
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Elvis Presley
"In God We Trust" as the U.S. national motto
the Social Security Act of 1965
The Apollo 15 Mission
Jimmy Hoffa disappears
The Takeover
The News From Poughkeepsie
'Body Of Christ" Returned To Church After Student Receives Email Threats
N.J. Student Speaks Out Against Biased Textbook That Pushes Prayer Myths
William Shatner
Leonard Cohen
Homicide: Life on the Street
The Lone Gunmen
Law & Order SVU
G.O.A.T. Bonus Episode #2
16 July 2008
Geek of all Trades Episode # 2: I do in fact "got chills" and they are indeed "multiplyin'."
Contact Me:
E-Mails:, or
Main Site:
Podsafe Music:
Jody Whitesides:
Mentioned on the Show:
The View Askew Message Boards
The Great Green Arkleseizure
Star Trek New Frontier
Arkle, the horse
Grease: You're The One That I Want
The Balticon Ep of the Geologic Podcast
Tofu 'may raise risk of dementia'
Do octopuses have a favourite tentacle?
Socks-obsessed schoolboys
Worms Do Calculus To Find Meals Or Avoid Unpleasantness
Separation of Church and the DMV
Hellboy II The Golden Army
War, Inc.
The Shock Doctrine
The Weird Show
The Islamic calendar
Dr. Emily Howard Stowe
The Trinity nuclear tests
Alexander P. Butterfield
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Directive on Superpowers (DC Universe RPG by West End Games)
The Elevator Pitch
The News From Poughkeepsie
Creative Commons
The video of the closing sound
08 July 2008
G.O.A.T. Bonus Episode #1
The Braddock expedition:
Napoleon annexes the Kingdom of Holland:
The 14th Amendment:
Great train wreck of 1918:
Donald Rumsfeld:
New Zealand Parliament passes the Homosexual Law Reform Act:
06 July 2008
The Long List of McCain Flip-Flops
Here's the full list (along with Benen's closing commentary...)
* McCain supported the drilling moratorium; now he’s against it.
* McCain strongly opposes a windfall-tax on oil company profits. Three weeks earlier, he was perfectly comfortable with the idea.
* McCain thought Bush’s warrantless-wiretap program circumvented the law; now he believes the opposite.
* McCain defended “privatizing” Social Security. Now he says he’s against privatization (though he actually still supports it.)
Wait, I’m not done with the last two weeks yet….
* McCain wanted to change the Republican Party platform to protect abortion rights in cases of rape and incest. Now he doesn’t.
* McCain thought the estate tax was perfectly fair. Now he believes the opposite.
* He opposed indefinite detention of terrorist suspects. When the Supreme Court reached the same conclusion, he called it “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.”
* McCain said he would “not impose a litmus test on any nominee.” He used to promise the opposite.
And these come after these other reversals from April and May:
* McCain believes the telecoms should be forced to explain their role in the administration’s warrantless surveillance program as a condition for retroactive immunity. He used to believe the opposite.
* McCain supported storing spent nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Now he believes the opposite.
* McCain supported moving “towards normalization of relations” with Cuba. Now he believes the opposite.
* McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Hamas. Now he believes the opposite.
* McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Syria. Now he believes the opposite.
* He argued the NRA should not have a role in the Republican Party’s policy making. Now he believes the opposite.
* McCain supported his own lobbying-reform legislation from 1997. Now he doesn’t.
* He wanted political support from radical televangelists like John Hagee and Rod Parsley. Now he doesn’t.
* McCain supported the Lieberman/Warner legislation to combat global warming. Now he doesn’t.
And these are the flip-flops I’ve noticed earlier:
* McCain pledged in February 2008 that he would not, under any circumstances, raise taxes. Specifically, McCain was asked if he is a “‘read my lips’ candidate, no new taxes, no matter what?” referring to George H.W. Bush’s 1988 pledge. “No new taxes,” McCain responded. Two weeks later, McCain said, “I’m not making a ‘read my lips’ statement, in that I will not raise taxes.”
* McCain is both for and against a “rogue state rollback” as a focus of his foreign policy vision.
* McCain says he considered and did not consider joining John Kerry’s Democratic ticket in 2004.
* In 1998, he championed raising cigarette taxes to fund programs to cut underage smoking, insisting that it would prevent illnesses and provide resources for public health programs. Now, McCain opposes a $0.61-per-pack tax increase, won’t commit to supporting a regulation bill he’s co-sponsoring, and has hired Philip Morris’ former lobbyist as his senior campaign adviser.
* McCain has changed his economic worldview on multiple occasions.
* McCain has changed his mind about a long-term U.S. military presence in Iraq on multiple occasions.
* McCain is both for and against attacking Barack Obama over his former pastor at his former church.
* McCain believes Americans are both better and worse off than they were before Bush took office.
* McCain is both for and against earmarks for Arizona.
* McCain believes his endorsement from radical televangelist John Hagee was both a good and bad idea.
* McCain’s first mortgage plan was premised on the notion that homeowners facing foreclosure shouldn’t be “rewarded” for acting “irresponsibly.” His second mortgage plan took largely the opposite position.
* McCain vowed, if elected, to balance the federal budget by the end of his first term. Soon after, he decided he would no longer even try to reach that goal.
* In February 2008, McCain reversed course on prohibiting waterboarding.
* McCain used to champion the Law of the Sea convention, even volunteering to testify on the treaty’s behalf before a Senate committee. Now he opposes it.
* McCain was a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants’ kids who graduate from high school. Now he’s against it.
* On immigration policy in general, McCain announced in February 2008 that he would vote against his own legislation.
* In 2006, McCain sponsored legislation to require grassroots lobbying coalitions to reveal their financial donors. In 2007, after receiving “feedback” on the proposal, McCain told far-right activist groups that he opposes his own measure.
* McCain said before the war in Iraq, “We will win this conflict. We will win it easily.” Four years later, McCain said he knew all along that the war in Iraq war was “probably going to be long and hard and tough.”
* McCain said he was the “greatest critic” of Rumsfeld’s failed Iraq policy. In December 2003, McCain praised the same strategy as “a mission accomplished.” In March 2004, he said, “I’m confident we’re on the right course.” In December 2005, he said, “Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course.”
* McCain went from saying he would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade to saying the exact opposite.
* McCain went from saying gay marriage should be allowed, to saying gay marriage shouldn’t be allowed.
* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but then decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks.
* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.
* On a related note, he said 2005 that he opposed the tax cuts because they were “too tilted to the wealthy.” By 2007, he denied ever having said this, and insisted he opposed the cuts because of increased government spending.
* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.
* McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June 2007, he abandoned his own legislation.
* McCain opposed a holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., before he supported it.
* McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.
* McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.
* McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.
* McCain decided in 2000 that he didn’t want anything to do with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, believing he “would taint the image of the ‘Straight Talk Express.’” Kissinger is now the Honorary Co-Chair for his presidential campaign in New York.
Confronted with the inconsistencies in McCain’s record in March, the senator’s aides told the New York Times that the senator “has evolved rather than switched positions in his 25-year career.” That’s a perfectly sensible spin — when a politician holds one position, and then, for apparently political reasons, decides to embrace the polar opposite position, it’s only natural for his or her aides to say the politician’s position has “evolved.”
But in McCain’s case, the spin is wholly unfulfilling. First, McCain sells himself as a pol who never sways with the wind, and whose willingness to be consistent in the face of pressure is proof of his character. Second, Republicans have spent the last four years or so making policy reversals the single most serious political crime in presidential politics. The dreaded “flip-flop” is, according to the GOP, the latest cardinal sin for someone seeking national office.
And if we’re playing by Republican rules, McCain’s “evolutions” should be a fairly serious problem. I’m beginning to think they might be.
02 July 2008
Geek of all Trades # 1: Indiana Jones and the Terrorist Fist Jab
Contact Me:
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Podsafe Music:
Blast The Right:
Mentioned on the Show:
Rocket Propelled Geek:
The (defunct) MILF & Cookies Podcast Episodes:
Continental Congress adopts a resolution severing ties with Great Britain:
Vermont became the first American territory to abolish slavery:
Gas mask patented by Benjamin J. Lane:
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act:
48 people die in rioting in East St. Louis, Illinois:
Amelia Earhart disappears over the Pacific Ocean:
The Roswell Crash:
1st Wal-Mart store opens for business in Arkansas:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964:
The Weird Show:
Stolen car found in living room:
Lebanese food served with a bang:
World's biggest coffin:
Martian soil could grow turnips, Phoenix finds:
Court reverses judgment against church in exorcisms:
Ariz. churchgoer rate is far behind nation's:
Farpoint Media:
Evangelism may be losing its sway:
General Wesley Clark's comments on John McCain:
Throwing Toasters: