Go to http://silver-gateway.com/etc/arklestudios/2012/09/welcome/ for the explanation and the new URL.
The arkle.silver-gateway.com URL will be redirecting to the WordPress site eventually.
Thanks for your patience.
Geek of all Trades Podcast by Brian "Arkle" Webber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Tip Jar
casting game
gilmore girls re-watch
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Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Praise for Arkle
"...[B]rilliant!" Michael R. Mennenga, Farpoint Media
"I'm just enjoying the f*** out of your podcast." Jack Jaffee, author of Down The Road.
"...[L]isteners, I hope you enjoy it." J.C. Hutchins, author of the 7th Son trilogy
"I've been on [The Casting Game] and it's pretty cool." Christiana Ellis, author of Nina Kimberley the Merciless
"I'm just enjoying the f*** out of your podcast." Jack Jaffee, author of Down The Road.
"...[L]isteners, I hope you enjoy it." J.C. Hutchins, author of the 7th Son trilogy
"I've been on [The Casting Game] and it's pretty cool." Christiana Ellis, author of Nina Kimberley the Merciless
25 September 2012
09 September 2012
The best laid plans of mice.
The Good News: There WILL very much be a September episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon.
The Bad: It won't be on time. Once again, real life has gotten in the way. Coincidentally, for both hosts it involves the moving process. A very large number of packages containing my belongings came yesterday, and it was very hot, so going through them was a very drenching process. Sweat was getting in my eyes, it was bad.
The Also: I normally put these in separate posts, but hey, while I'm here I might as well. Announcing the songs for the next Singular Achievement Phenomenon.
Nobody by Sylvia (1982)
Personally by Karla Bonoff (1982)
Goin' Down by Greg Guidry (1982)
Pac-Man Fever by Buckner and Garcia (1982)
I'm sure you'll notice the theme there. ;-)
The Bad: It won't be on time. Once again, real life has gotten in the way. Coincidentally, for both hosts it involves the moving process. A very large number of packages containing my belongings came yesterday, and it was very hot, so going through them was a very drenching process. Sweat was getting in my eyes, it was bad.
The Also: I normally put these in separate posts, but hey, while I'm here I might as well. Announcing the songs for the next Singular Achievement Phenomenon.
Nobody by Sylvia (1982)
Personally by Karla Bonoff (1982)
Goin' Down by Greg Guidry (1982)
Pac-Man Fever by Buckner and Garcia (1982)
I'm sure you'll notice the theme there. ;-)
04 September 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch #85: Where The Hell We've Been
Click Here to Listen
Angela and I spend a couple of minutes letting people know about the status of the show and it's eventual return, then chat about movies, the lottery, and music for 30. ;-)
28 August 2012
14 August 2012
Should've posted this awhile ago.
While I'm not quite ready to get back into the podcasting game yet (and believe me, I'm itching for the opportunity), I've managed to keep my web presence up. Recently, I lent my voice to an episode of Diamanda hagan's Twatty Who Reviews. Langauge is NSFW, but I show up in the last 9 minutes or so.
Well, my voice does.
With a British accent.
Just listen for the line "Oh screw this, I'm going to the pub." :)
Well, my voice does.
With a British accent.
Just listen for the line "Oh screw this, I'm going to the pub." :)
01 August 2012
August 1st Update on the Status of Arkle Studios
Hey loyal listeners (the few I have left). So, yeah, this has been taking a lot longer than planned. The move got delayed due first to the timing of my unemployment hearing.
How did that go? Sadly, the court sided against me even after my Taco Bell managers admitted under oath that they didn't know if I knew the policy I got fired for existed, which I didn't because it was brand new and I had not been briefed on it. Seriously, they put down as the reason I was denied my UE benefits that I knowingly violated the policy. I still have the packet they sent me for my appeal, and an audio recording of the hearing exists. Robin and Teresa admit;
1: That normally they inform employees about new policies and have them sing something but "did not do so" for the new social media one.
and 2: that they posted it somewhere in the office and just assumed that I had read it. They say this even though when Robin fired me, she asked me if I knew about it, and I said "No," which was true, and which she didn't deny at the hearing.
So yeah, Taco Bell is evil. Don't eat there. Ever. Let them try to sue me for defamation, like I said, I have a paper trail that can back me up. This social media policy they have now has chilling First Amendment implications. If an employee there, people who bust their humps for less than a living wage, can lose their job for the mere act of venting after a rough day...
Anyway, so, much as I was hoping I could be recording by now, I had to vacate my apartment a bit earlier than planned. My landlord (also named Robin, coincidentally) was aware of my situation, and apparently had wanted me out sooner than I left. My now former roommate Bryan was surprisingly generous, letting me stay all of June and half of July while I was getting no Unemployment, and no job interviews during most of that time
Yeah, I stopped getting interviews before the end of May, the month I was actually fired in. Employers aren't even bothering to let me know they "Went with someone else" anymore, I'm just being ignored. Joy.
Oh, right California. I forgot to mention that here. yeah, I have to go live with my grandmother in Rialto, the city I grew up in originally before moving to Colorado in '91. It's that or homelessness since, thanks in large part to my now having been fired twice in two years (the first time actually being my own fault, which is why I don't complain about it the way I do with Taco Hell). Shipping my belongings has been difficult, given the lack of income. Even selling much of the things I own that people will actually buy (sadly not much as not even my portable iPod speakers were accepted by my local pawn shops) has not given me enough to send everything.
Luckily, even though my ass had to be tossed on the 18th of last month, my Aunt Wendy was kind enough to let me store what I hadn't shipped yet in her garage while I stayed at my Dad's place, where I had very little space and no real privacy to speak of. And currently I'm house sitting for Wendy while she and her husband are on vacation. That's where I'm writing this from. I'll be here until the 10th, then back at my Dad's until the 15th, when my Mom and Step-Dad will be paying for my train ticket into exile.
I know that sounds insulting, but I've talked this out with them, and they're sympathetic. They live in California themselves, across the street from my grandma's to be exact, but they want to be there. They get that Colorado has been my home for 21 years; except for a few conventions, all my happiest memories are here in the Centennial state. They aren't offended by this sense of dread I feel having to go back to an area that has one of the worst public transportation systems in the country (remember Who Framed Roger Rabbit? I wish I lived in that alternate-reality SoCal. Not because of the cartoon but because in that movie, public transportation won), which sucks for a PT reliant person such as myself.
The only real bright spot in all this is that my grandmother will be letting me use her computer. And that, once I'm settled in anyway, is when I can start podcasting again. Because dammit, I miss this gig. I'd be doing it these next few weeks from Wendy's place if not for the fact that having only a Guest profile on her computer means I can't download the necessary software.
So that's where things are at. Thanks for sticking things out with me, the 3 fans I'm sure I have left after this latest, and by far longest unplanned hiatus I've had since I started podcasting in 2008 Hopefully I can double that number for 2013. ;)
P.S. Oh, and thanks to everyone whop checked up on me when news of the theater shooting in Aurora broke. Aurora is a suburb of Denver, so some early news reports said it was Denver proper where the shooting happened, and my fans and friends know I live in Denver, but not necessarily where, and The Dark Knight Rises is the kind of movie I would go to a midnight screening of if I had the money (fact: last midnight screening I saw? Terminator Salvation). I was actually more than an hour bus ride away, and asleep when it happened, but you guys had no way of knowing that at the time. So again, thanks for the concern.
12 June 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #84: The Reigning Lorelai
Click Here to Listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai goes underwear shopping. For a dead person. She's in charge of funeral arrangements for recently-deceased Gran, now that Emily has found Gran's decades-old letter telling Richard not to marry her.
Note: Unfortunately, the way things are headed, this may end up being the final GGR. I don't want it to be, but that's no longer in my hands at this point. In fact, I've already accepted that I won't be ale to stay in my apartment past June, and I need to move back to Rialto, California. Hence why I recently started this ChipIn account, as since my unemployment checks are taking for-frakking-ever to deposit is going to be tough to pull off.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai goes underwear shopping. For a dead person. She's in charge of funeral arrangements for recently-deceased Gran, now that Emily has found Gran's decades-old letter telling Richard not to marry her.
Note: Unfortunately, the way things are headed, this may end up being the final GGR. I don't want it to be, but that's no longer in my hands at this point. In fact, I've already accepted that I won't be ale to stay in my apartment past June, and I need to move back to Rialto, California. Hence why I recently started this ChipIn account, as since my unemployment checks are taking for-frakking-ever to deposit is going to be tough to pull off.
Singular Acheivement Phenomenon #12: You, I, Will You Be Staying After Sunday, Hot Smoke & Sassafras, Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
Click Here to Listen.
Contact the Show: Arkle: arkle@comcast.net T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
Contact the Show: Arkle: arkle@comcast.net T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
07 June 2012
05 June 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #83: Scene in a Mall
Click Here To Listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Critical Myth Podcast
Plot Summary: Kirk tries his hand at dog sitting meanwhile the Gilmore girls are finally able to connect and decide to spend some quality time together window shopping, but with both of them "skint", shopping isn't much fun. The two run into Emily on a shopping binge... angry and upset about her marriage, lack of accomplishments and a little jealous of her daughter.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Critical Myth Podcast
Plot Summary: Kirk tries his hand at dog sitting meanwhile the Gilmore girls are finally able to connect and decide to spend some quality time together window shopping, but with both of them "skint", shopping isn't much fun. The two run into Emily on a shopping binge... angry and upset about her marriage, lack of accomplishments and a little jealous of her daughter.
03 June 2012
29 May 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #82: The Incredible Sinking Lorelais
Click Here to Listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week. Plot Summary: Lane moves in with Lorelai for the time being and lets Mrs. Kim know who advises her to wear socks. Lorelai the first visits and learns that Lorelai's inn construction is costing more then anybody expected. Lorelai and Rory play phone tag as their frustrations mount. Lorelai's financial woes reach a boiling point and so does Rory's school pressures as each have a melt down with the strong married men in their lives.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week. Plot Summary: Lane moves in with Lorelai for the time being and lets Mrs. Kim know who advises her to wear socks. Lorelai the first visits and learns that Lorelai's inn construction is costing more then anybody expected. Lorelai and Rory play phone tag as their frustrations mount. Lorelai's financial woes reach a boiling point and so does Rory's school pressures as each have a melt down with the strong married men in their lives.
24 May 2012
22 May 2012
Gilmore Girls Re--watch Podcast #81: Nag Hammadi is Where They Found The Gnostic Gospels
Click Here to Listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week. Plot Summary: It's firelight festival time again and with Taylor stuck out of town, Kirk tries to fill in. Luke meets his sister Liz's latest boyfriend, Lorelai meets Liz and realizes Luke really is always there for them and Jess, anxious to get out of town as soon as his car is repaired, stirs up trouble with family and friends.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week. Plot Summary: It's firelight festival time again and with Taylor stuck out of town, Kirk tries to fill in. Luke meets his sister Liz's latest boyfriend, Lorelai meets Liz and realizes Luke really is always there for them and Jess, anxious to get out of town as soon as his car is repaired, stirs up trouble with family and friends.
16 May 2012
15 May 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #80: A Family Matter
Click Here to listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week.
Plot Summary: Lane fits right in at Yale, almost. Luke's sister Liz visits for her high school reunion and Jess returns to get his car. Meanwhile, with Jaime in town, Rory makes Paris decide between her two guys. Lorelai finds money is tight and her and Jason agree to let her parents know they've been dating, but that's easier said then done.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 336.42.ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None this week.
Plot Summary: Lane fits right in at Yale, almost. Luke's sister Liz visits for her high school reunion and Jess returns to get his car. Meanwhile, with Jaime in town, Rory makes Paris decide between her two guys. Lorelai finds money is tight and her and Jason agree to let her parents know they've been dating, but that's easier said then done.
14 May 2012
11 May 2012
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #11: Sukiyaki, Hocus Pocus, Open Up Your Heart, Miss Murder
Click here to listen.
Contact the Show: Arkle: arkle@comcast.net T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukiyaki_(song) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hocus_Pocus_(instrumental) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Up_Your_Heart_(And_Let_the_Sunshine_In) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Murder
Contact the Show: Arkle: arkle@comcast.net T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukiyaki_(song) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hocus_Pocus_(instrumental) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Up_Your_Heart_(And_Let_the_Sunshine_In) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Murder
08 May 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #79: In The Clamor and the Clangor
Click here to listen.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Weird Show
Plot Summary: Lane's band gets a gig at famous CBGB's in New York, but it doesn't come without a price. Luke and Lorelai make up to silence the newly restored bells but only after Lorelai realizes maybe Luke hasn't moved completely away and Rory confronts William about their relationship.
NOTE: Stay to the end for a blooper. :-)
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Weird Show
Plot Summary: Lane's band gets a gig at famous CBGB's in New York, but it doesn't come without a price. Luke and Lorelai make up to silence the newly restored bells but only after Lorelai realizes maybe Luke hasn't moved completely away and Rory confronts William about their relationship.
NOTE: Stay to the end for a blooper. :-)
*facepalm* Arkle Vlogs
I forgot to put them up here, but I have videos now. You can find them on blip.tv/arkle, or just watch them here. Here are my first two vids, the 2nd of which just went up today.
04 May 2012
Announcing the songs for the next Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto (1963)
Hocus Pocus by Focus (1973)
Open Up Your Heart by Cowboy Church Sunday School (1955)
Miss Murder by AFI (2006)
01 May 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #78: The Nanny and the Professor
Click here to Listen
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No Promo.
Plot Summary: Luke hires Lane to help out at the diner. Rory isn't happy Paris is dating her new teacher. Lorelai and Jason decide to keep their relationship from her parents at least for now and Michel, out of jealousy babysits Davey.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No Promo.
Plot Summary: Luke hires Lane to help out at the diner. Rory isn't happy Paris is dating her new teacher. Lorelai and Jason decide to keep their relationship from her parents at least for now and Michel, out of jealousy babysits Davey.
24 April 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #77: Ted Koppel's Big Night Out
Click Here to Listen.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No Promo. The episode ran too long.
Plot Summary: At lunch, Richard introduces Rory and Paris to his old friend who Paris is more then intrigued with. Meanwhile it's time for the Yale/Harvard game and the Gilmores go in style, happy flask and all till Emily realizes she's been deceived for many years which inadvertently pushes Lorelai into the arms of Jason.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No Promo. The episode ran too long.
Plot Summary: At lunch, Richard introduces Rory and Paris to his old friend who Paris is more then intrigued with. Meanwhile it's time for the Yale/Harvard game and the Gilmores go in style, happy flask and all till Emily realizes she's been deceived for many years which inadvertently pushes Lorelai into the arms of Jason.
11 April 2012
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #10: Epic, Dueling Banjos, Wherever You Will Go, Rapper's Delight
Contact the Show:
Arkle: arkle@comcast.net
T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
10 April 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #76: Die, Jerk
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: After receiving advices from the Yale Daily News editor on what he is looking for, Rory's next article is a huge hit with everybody except the dancer she reviewed. Richard and Emily return from their Atlantic City business trip while Lane is told to send a special jug to Dave in California. Lorelai confronts Luke about his relationship with Nicole and Bruce confronts Lorelai and her anti midwife energy on retarding the baby's acquisition rate.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: After receiving advices from the Yale Daily News editor on what he is looking for, Rory's next article is a huge hit with everybody except the dancer she reviewed. Richard and Emily return from their Atlantic City business trip while Lane is told to send a special jug to Dave in California. Lorelai confronts Luke about his relationship with Nicole and Bruce confronts Lorelai and her anti midwife energy on retarding the baby's acquisition rate.
02 April 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #75: The Festival of Living Art
Uploaded early due to impending temporary interruption of internet service.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Parsec Awards: Nominate us, please? ;-) Nominations begin April 15th.
Plot Summary: Stars Hollow is asked to host a Festival of Living Pictures when a neighboring town backs out, inspiring the town regulars pitch in to pull it off in only a week. Lane finds the perfect guitarist to replace Dave, but Zach objects because of his age. Sookie and Jackson hire one of the best midwifes on the eastern seaboard. Luke and Nicole decide to hold off on their divorce.
And universe willing, this will be the next to last episode of this show I have to upload to Google Docs. Stay tuned, the new feed is around the corner. :)
29 March 2012
Announcing the songs for the next Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Epic by Faith No More (1990)
Dueling Banjos by Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandell (1973)
Wherever You Will Go by The Calling (2002)
Rapper's Delight by Sugar Hill Gang (1980)
27 March 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #74: An Affair to Remember
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Rory's roommates have her on edge so she tries to find the perfect place to study, meanwhile Emily hires Sookie and Lorelai to cater Richards office party only to find out Jason has other ideas.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Rory's roommates have her on edge so she tries to find the perfect place to study, meanwhile Emily hires Sookie and Lorelai to cater Richards office party only to find out Jason has other ideas.
20 March 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #73: The Fundamental Things Apply
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: After reflecting on her lack of social life, Rory decides to try dating and finds it harder than it looks. Lorelai is still adjusting to an empty house and has Luke over to try to fill the gap. Meanwhile Lorelai is somewhat disturbed after discovering that the designer she just hired to decorate the inn used to work for Emily.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: After reflecting on her lack of social life, Rory decides to try dating and finds it harder than it looks. Lorelai is still adjusting to an empty house and has Luke over to try to fill the gap. Meanwhile Lorelai is somewhat disturbed after discovering that the designer she just hired to decorate the inn used to work for Emily.
13 March 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #72: Chicken or Beef?
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Lorelai needs to get permits approved before they can more forward with the inn and learns that business also involves back room deals. Rory runs into Dean who invites
her to his wedding.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Lorelai needs to get permits approved before they can more forward with the inn and learns that business also involves back room deals. Rory runs into Dean who invites
her to his wedding.
11 March 2012
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #9: Black Denim Trousers, Plantation Boogie, Let Me Go, Lover!, Daddy-O
Contact the Show:
Arkle: arkle@comcast.net
T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
Arkle: arkle@comcast.net
T.M.: tmc@tmcamp.com
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Songs Discussed:
07 March 2012
Moral of the Story Podcast: Die Hard 2
I forgot to post this earlier, but I guested on the Moral of the Story podcast again, this time to discuss the second Die Gard film. Click the title to go to the website and download the episode.
06 March 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #71: The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: To earn some money before the baby arrives, Sookie asks Lorelai if they can cater a kids party but Sookie doesn't know what kids like. Emily sets Rory up the proper way and Richard contemplates a business partner.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: To earn some money before the baby arrives, Sookie asks Lorelai if they can cater a kids party but Sookie doesn't know what kids like. Emily sets Rory up the proper way and Richard contemplates a business partner.
28 February 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #70: The Lorelais' First Day at Yale
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Always willing to help, Luke lends his truck to Lorelai to get Rory moved into her dorm despite how much trouble it turns out to be. Meanwhile, the Gilmores realize Rory is growing up, but Lorelai helps her ease into her new life. Paris turns out to be one of Rory's new roommates and not by accident. Luke has to deal with his pending divorce.
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
No more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service
Plot Summary: Always willing to help, Luke lends his truck to Lorelai to get Rory moved into her dorm despite how much trouble it turns out to be. Meanwhile, the Gilmores realize Rory is growing up, but Lorelai helps her ease into her new life. Paris turns out to be one of Rory's new roommates and not by accident. Luke has to deal with his pending divorce.
11 February 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #69: Ballrooms and Biscotti
Click the Title to hear the episode.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. Given storage concerns, no more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service.
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Rory return from their summer backpacking trip to Europe only to discover Rory miscalculated how much more time she had off till school starts which puts her in a bind with Taylor and Lorelai in a bind with Emily. Luke's summer cruise with Nicole got him in a bind and Sookie is almost ready to have her baby.
Note: You may have noticed that this episode didn't go in the iTunes feed. Well, sad to say, Mevio suspended the account for both this show and Singular Achievement Phenomenon. Both shows will have a new server soon, but for now, this Blog will be the only place you can listen to both shows. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Contact Us:
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gilmore Girls Wiki
None. Given storage concerns, no more promos will be played until GGR officially has it's new hosting service.
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Rory return from their summer backpacking trip to Europe only to discover Rory miscalculated how much more time she had off till school starts which puts her in a bind with Taylor and Lorelai in a bind with Emily. Luke's summer cruise with Nicole got him in a bind and Sookie is almost ready to have her baby.
Note: You may have noticed that this episode didn't go in the iTunes feed. Well, sad to say, Mevio suspended the account for both this show and Singular Achievement Phenomenon. Both shows will have a new server soon, but for now, this Blog will be the only place you can listen to both shows. Sorry about the inconvenience.
03 February 2012
Announcing the songs for the next S.A.P.
The Cheers - Black Denim Trousers (1955)
Lenny Dee - Plantation Boogie (1955)
Joan Weber - Let Me go Lover (1955)
Bonnie Lou - Daddy-O (1955)
12 January 2012
See You In February
AS some of you may be aware, Arkle Studios suffered a catastrophic existence failure last week (my hard drive died). Luckily, this is not the utter disaster I feared such an incident would be, but things are still out of whack. The good news is, the unaired episodes of Gilmore Girls Re-watch that Angela and I have recorded are safe, and ready to be edited (including the Season 3 wrap-up that was due this past Tuesday). Also, the next episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon was not recorded so nothing was lost.
The bad news? I have a LOT to catch up on, both podcasting related and otherwise. So, as such, even though I'll be back on-line probably by Tuesday the 17th, I'm not going to be releasing any podcasts until February 11th, and not recording any until the 2nd at the earliest (the day after my 30th birthday). On the 11th, the next episode of S.A.P. will drop. The following Tuesday, you will get the Gilmore Girls Re-watch podcast episode where Angela and I wrap up Season 3.
As for Geek of all Trades 2.0, um, yeah about that... Look, I wanted to do it, I really did. But with work getting more stressful thanks to my new position, plus the work on my book (put on hold due to the death of my hard drive), I've neither the time nor the energy right now to have a third podcast going, not even one with no set release schedule. I totally get now where my roommate was coming from when he cited the fact that he's on a headset all day at work as his reason for never wanting to tell one of his funny life stories on my shows. I have to wear a head-set at work now, and frankly, it takes more effort now than it used to put my own on for GGR and SAP. At least there I have other people to help motivate me.
So look for an official good-bye episode in the next few months. I'll get together with Mom and Roland, and we will do a joint farewell episode, saying goodbye to both our versions of the show. This is gonna be news to them, because I only just now thought of it, but hopefully they'll be cool. ;-)
So, I'm not dead. And I'm not panicking about it either, like last time I had a computer die. I don't even want to link to that blog post, it was so whiny and fatalistic. Arkle Studios will be back up and running soon, and ready for a (hopefully) less sucky year for it's members. See you In February, and be srue to spread the word to any GGR or SAP fans who may not have gotten the memo. ;-)
The bad news? I have a LOT to catch up on, both podcasting related and otherwise. So, as such, even though I'll be back on-line probably by Tuesday the 17th, I'm not going to be releasing any podcasts until February 11th, and not recording any until the 2nd at the earliest (the day after my 30th birthday). On the 11th, the next episode of S.A.P. will drop. The following Tuesday, you will get the Gilmore Girls Re-watch podcast episode where Angela and I wrap up Season 3.
As for Geek of all Trades 2.0, um, yeah about that... Look, I wanted to do it, I really did. But with work getting more stressful thanks to my new position, plus the work on my book (put on hold due to the death of my hard drive), I've neither the time nor the energy right now to have a third podcast going, not even one with no set release schedule. I totally get now where my roommate was coming from when he cited the fact that he's on a headset all day at work as his reason for never wanting to tell one of his funny life stories on my shows. I have to wear a head-set at work now, and frankly, it takes more effort now than it used to put my own on for GGR and SAP. At least there I have other people to help motivate me.
So look for an official good-bye episode in the next few months. I'll get together with Mom and Roland, and we will do a joint farewell episode, saying goodbye to both our versions of the show. This is gonna be news to them, because I only just now thought of it, but hopefully they'll be cool. ;-)
So, I'm not dead. And I'm not panicking about it either, like last time I had a computer die. I don't even want to link to that blog post, it was so whiny and fatalistic. Arkle Studios will be back up and running soon, and ready for a (hopefully) less sucky year for it's members. See you In February, and be srue to spread the word to any GGR or SAP fans who may not have gotten the memo. ;-)
03 January 2012
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #68: Those Are Strings Pinocchio
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Type 40 Podcast
Plot Summary: Rory graduates from Chilton, and the girls look forward to traveling in Europe, Yale, and opening the new inn.
E-Mail: brian.d.webber@gmail.com Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Type 40 Podcast
Plot Summary: Rory graduates from Chilton, and the girls look forward to traveling in Europe, Yale, and opening the new inn.
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