Geek of all Trades Podcast by Brian "Arkle" Webber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Tip Jar
Praise for Arkle
"I'm just enjoying the f*** out of your podcast." Jack Jaffee, author of Down The Road.
"...[L]isteners, I hope you enjoy it." J.C. Hutchins, author of the 7th Son trilogy
"I've been on [The Casting Game] and it's pretty cool." Christiana Ellis, author of Nina Kimberley the Merciless
27 December 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #67: Here Comes The Son
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Into The Dark
Plot Summary: While Rory frets over her last term of finals before graduation, Jess finds himself in Venice, California where he rejoins his Dad and meets his live-in girlfriend and her book loving daughter.
20 December 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #66: Say Goodnight, Gracie
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
No promo. Instead we have the song Undead Elves by Robert Lund &
Plot Summary: Jess' father shows up in the diner, Dean gets engaged, and Fran dies, leaving the inn up for sale.
13 December 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #65: Keg! Max!
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
The Wierd Show
Plot Summary: Lane's band lands a gig at a local party. Everyone in town is there and it leads to trouble.
11 December 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #8: I Just Don't Understand, I Want Candy, Wobble Wobble, Rolene
Available At: and
Songs Chosen From:
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
06 December 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #64: Happy Birthday Baby
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Plot Summary: Rory plans Lorelai's birthday party.
04 December 2011
Announcing the songs for the next Singular Achievement Phenomenon
29 November 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #63: A Tale of Poes and Fire
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Moral of the Story
Plot Summary: The Poe Society is in town, and the inn catches fire, forcing guests to move into Lorelai's house. Rory tries to decide between Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
22 November 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #62: The Big One
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Teknikal Diffikulties
Plot Summary: Rory and Paris finally hear from Harvard. Lorelai and Max meet again.
15 November 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #61: Face-Off
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
No Promo. I just forgot to put one in and din't realize 'til I was already done.
Plot Summary: Jess said he would call Rory but he doesn't, so she goes to a hockey game where she sees Dean with his new girlfriend. Trix surprises Richard and Emily freaks out.
11 November 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #7: Lookin' For Love, Love Is On The Way, Life Is A Highway, Love You So
Available At: and
Songs Chosen From:
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
07 November 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 60: Swan Song
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
I Should Be Writing
Plot Summary: Lorelai heads off to New York with Alex, Sookie and Jackson. Meanwhile, Jess gets a black eye and doesn't want anybody to know just how it happened, which leads to trouble at Friday night dinner.
01 November 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 59: Dear Emily and Richard
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
No promo. The episode was too good and I didn't want to break up the flow.
Plot Summary: When Sherry goes into labor and asks Rory to be with her at the hospital, Lorelai is reminded of the day Rory was born. Flashbacks tell the story of 16-year-old Lorelai as she learns she is pregnant, decides not to marry Christopher, and ultimately leaves home with her new baby.
25 October 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 58: Lorelai Out of Water
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Halloween Haunt
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Rory clean out the garage so Lane's band can use it for practice. Luke and lawyers don't mix except for maybe Taylor's new attorney. Paris tries to impeach Rory during the student council meeting, which gets them both sent to the head masters office. Lane's prom plans back fire.
Note: Sadly, Nina will not be with us too long. Between when this episode was recorded and when it was released, she stopped joining the recordings for her own reasons. Also sadly, I said the wrong episode number, AGAIN! Now I'm wondering if my scripts are wrong for the rest of the season.
24 October 2011
Announcing the Songs for the November 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Love is on the Way by Saigon Kick (1992)
Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane (1992)
Love You So by Ron Holden and the Thunderbirds (1960)
18 October 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 57: I Solemnly Swear
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Saturday b Movie Reel
Plot Summary: Emily is being sued by a maid for wrongful termination and asks Lorelai to attest to her character. Francie manages to come between Paris and Rory leaving Rory out in the cold and Sookie unwittingly sets up a date with an old friend.
Note: Yeah, we got the numbers wrong again. This'll end soon I hope.
11 October 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #6: Feel Good Inc., You're Beautiful, Bad Day, Stars Are Blind
Available At: and
Songs Chosen From:
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Voicemail Line: 336-42-ARKLE
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 56: That'll Do Pig
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Tuning Into Sci-Fi TV
Plot Summary: It's Richards's birthday and his mother arrives from Europe to help celebrate and announce she's moving back to the states, but not everybody is happy about the news. Rory has her hands full at school with Francie and her and Dean decide to be friends, which has Jess a little insecure.
Note: The third time in a row I got the episode number wrong, but I think I catch the problem in the next one. Sorry folks.
05 October 2011
Goodbye Steve Jobs
So thanks Steve. Your work will live on.
04 October 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 55: Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
Plot Summary: Rory and Lorelai work to fit in four thanksgiving dinners but they don't eat much at the family dinner when Lorelai finds out Rory applied at more colleges then just Harvard. Lane has her first kiss and human Kirk and cat Kirk have a little adjusting to do.
02 October 2011
Announcing the Songs for the October 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
You're Beautiful by James Blunt (2006)
Bad Day by Daniel Powter (2006)
Stars Are Blind by Paris Hilton (2006)
Arkle on the Moral of the Story Podcast
Give it a listen, then vote for MY Moral of the Story, How does it feel to be a puppet without the strings?
27 September 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 54: Let The Games Begin
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
The FuMP
Plot Summary: Sore from the dance marathon and the break up with Dean, Rory and Lorelai adjust to having Jess and Rory going together. Richard corners Rory and invites her to a Yale reunion where he has more plans then he tells her. Rory apologizes to Dean and Lorelai and Rory both consider Yale.
Note: Yes, I got the episode number wrong again. Sorry.
20 September 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 53: They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Gilmore Girls Wiki
No promo, just a brief explanation about why no traditional outro this week. And BTW, it was my fault Angela got the episode number wrong in the intro. I forgot to correct the notes.
Plot Summary: It's time for the annual Stars Hollow Dance marathon again and Lorelai is determined to win. Dean sits in the bleachers to support Rory, but so does Jess whose intentions aren't quite so innocent.
17 September 2011
And Here's To You: Almost 3 years later
This Halloween will mark the 3rd anniversary of the release of my first completed novel, And Here's To You (which just recently became available at the iTunes Book store, hence it being on the mind.
Since then, I have finished two more fiction projects the same way I finished AHTY; National novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo. If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, to quote Nash, "What in the whole of fuck is wrong with you?" ;-) Seriously though, It's fun.
Anyway, one of those, KPKY is languishing in editing hell right now, while the other, Night of the Living Impaired sadly had to be trunked due to, well, the fact that "formaldehyde doesn't work that way," which was something of a storybreaker. Me losing all but 3 chapters due to a simultaneous loss of a thumb drive and my best friend's copy being corrupted and unreadable/uneditable certainly didn't help. While KPKY still has hope, NOTLI is dead (no pun intended), but regardless that means that even if I go the POD route again, it could be as much as a year before anyone sees a new completed project from me; a whole Presidential term.
This is not to say I've given up pursuing writing; I am full of ideas, and I am looking forward to this year's NaNo, as well as a little vanity project I'm starting prepping for; a little something that really only fans of my fiction and my podcasts would enjoy. The literary equivalent to Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back if you will. ;-) It's a non-fiction/comedy book I currently have titled "No Meat, No God, No Ke$ha" though that is subject to change.
But it is sad to think of how little of it I've actually gotten done in the past 3 years. There was this Star Trek fanfic project I was doing, mainly so as to get a failed RPG campaign out of my head because it was taking up space, but a combination of computer failure and personal failure (relating to college) killed that one in the crib. Most of it is my fault; for starters I let ONE reader of AHTY get to me, which nearly drove me to do the whole thing over again just because she and only she wanted it to be much longer, with more sex scenes. Agreeing to that was not just a mistake because she was the only one asking for it, but it was a mistake because it made me break one of the cardinal rules of writing; one that George Lucas needs to be reminded of. At a certain point, you have to let your project go. The baby bird you got carpal tunnel syndrome from working on can't stay in the nest forever. I spent months planning the revised, new and improved, 2.0 version of And Here's To You before writer Mur Lafferty and Matt Wallace helpfully pimp-slapped that notion out of my head on the Good Cop, Bad Cop segment of Mur's I Should Be Writing podcast (in this episode to be specific;
There is one thing I'd like to do over for AHTY, and this place is as good as any to bring it up since it is the anniversary (next month) and all. In one chapter (shame I don't have a copy on me where I can just look this up, confound it all) I put in a scene mocking the Hollywood romantic story cliche of the misunderstanding that leads to an unjustified charge on infidelity. The punchline of the sequence is Richard, the main male protagonist, having a *facepalm* moment before the bad stuff can happen and he basically chides himself for thinking it and he wonders where the thought even came from. And it never comes up again, and Richard continues on being his rational logical self.
Say it with me folks...
Not only that, but in retrospect (and a teensy portion of the blame lies with my editor for not asking more questions about this scene, whilst the flashback in the "November" chapter went through more re-writes than the NBC Wonder Woman pilot, and I'm still not 100% thrilled with it as flashbacks seems to be my Achilles' heel as a writer), it makes Richard look like a possessive jealous asshole.
Um, all that said, please go buy it. :-D It's a good read, that one-page long (possibly even shorter IIRC) scene aside. The PDF version is only $1.99.
So yeah, AHTY, 3 years later. Still mostly proud of it, and the recent addition of it to the iStore opens up a potential new audience to the book, which I don't think will be too dated (though it can probably be easily pegged as taking place in the early 2000s) for any of you fine folks.
And here's to more writing I can be proud of in the future. Good night, and good luck.14 September 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 52: Take the Deviled Eggs...
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
99 Penny Dreadfuls
Plot Summary: Rory is invited to Sherry's baby shower and Lorelai gets pulled in with her. Between Sherry's good will and the party poppers, Lorelai is at her breaking point and feels the need to let off some steam. Jess comes home with a car and the town gathers for a not so successful town demonstration.... stop the noodle shoes????
11 September 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #5: Earth Angel, Blue (Da Ba Dee), Believe it or Not, House of the Rising Sun
Available At: and
Our shortest one since episode 0 I think, and that's even before the editing. :-)
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
05 September 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 51: Eight O'Clock at the Oasis
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
None. The show ran a little long.
Plot Summary: Lorelai is cornered by a new local and talked in to watering his garden whilst he's away on a business trip. When Lorelai has to get to work, she asks Rory to take over, but when things go wrong she has to enlist Jess' help. Lorelai also asks Emily for help finding a guy she met at an auction house, but realizes he's not quite what she anticipated.
30 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 50: One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gamma Quadrant
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Luke are asked to speak about their success at the local high school, but things don't go quite like Lorelai planned. Lane asserts her independence, at least for a short time.
24 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 49: Application Anxiety
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
No promo this time either, just a song to make up for the lateness. Walkingsilly by the great Luke Ski
Plot Summary: As college nears, Rory receives her Harvard application leading her and Lorelai to have lunch with an alumni to see if she stands a chance at getting in, but the college talk has Dean worried about their future. Meanwhile Taylor decides to open an old soda shop next to Luke's and Lane advertises for a band member.
23 August 2011
Announcing the Songs for the September 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eifel 65 (1999)
Believe It or Not by Joey Scarbury (1981)
House of the Rising Sun by Frijid Pink (1970)
17 August 2011
Premature Procrastination: The Future of Arkle Studios
One thing I failed to address though is that the current logo will be coming down. No new one has been designed to replace it yet, but I'm working on it.
16 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 48: Haunted Leg
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
No promo this week; the editing ran late and I wanted to get the episode up as quickly as possible.
Plot Summary: Christopher tries to talk to the Gilmore girls, but Emily saves the day. Francie tries to assert her power on the student council. Meanwhile Rory and Jess have it out about their hurt feelings and are Lorelai and Kirk dating?
11 August 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #4: Pop Goes the Weasel, Goldfinger, Tootsee Roll, MacArthur Park
Available At: and
If you think this one is long folks, you should've heard the unedited version.
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
09 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 47: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
How To Grow Your Geek
Plot Summary: Rory returns from Washington just in time for the First Annual Stars Hollow End of Summer Madness Festival where she realizes her feelings for Jess might be a lot stronger then she thought, but is it too late to do anything about it? Lorelai is having strong feelings of her own.
03 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 46: Our Little Corner of the World (the GG Soundtrack)
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Geek Out with Mainframe
Plot Summary: In this episode, Angela and I discuss in depth the Gilmore Girls soundtrack CD, Our Little Corner of the World. Mostly. ;-)
02 August 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 45: Season 2 Wrap Up
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Tuning in to Sci-Fi TV
Plot Summary: No actual GG episode this week. Instead, the hosts discuss the past season, tease the next, and, well, someone says goodbye. I has a sad. :(
01 August 2011
So, that happened
Still, the fundraiser's closed now. But hey, I've still got the tip jar on the side of the page here, right next to the Blog Archive. It's always been there, I just don't call attention to it, well, ever. Pretty much all podcasts have something like it. I don't need anything right now of course (see above paragraph) but it's always appreciated. Without fans, there are no podcasts. :-D
Thanks again to T.m. Camp, and apologies to those who were going to give but couldn't. Thank you anyway for your good thoughts. Give that money to charity instead. I'm gonna suggest the Make a Wish Foundation.
That was my cousin Robin's favorite charity. Hard to believe it's almost 3 months now.
31 July 2011
I didn't want to do this, but, a guy's gotta eat
Long story short, I'm in a pinch, and I don't want to burden them again, especially when it's not a long term problem like when I couldn't find a job. Basically, my last paycheck was smaller than I expected given the extra hours I'd gotten at work, and as a result (well, that and a used video game purchase that in hindsight was a dumb move) I had enough to pay my most important bills, and I had about $5 left for food. For 14 days. Now, I had some stuff left in my fridge and my cabinets, and I get a discount at work, but as of the evening of tomorrow, Monday, August 1st, I'll be pretty much tapped. My only option then will be the very UN-vegan friendly free samples at the supermarket across the street. So, I'm calling on my legion of fans to help out. I don't particularly enjoy this very much either, and I'm still floored at the people who helped me 4 years ago when my ex-roommate left me so deep in the hole I nearly got evicted, but, this is only my second dip at this pool, as opposed to my family who I had to get food from during the job hunt like 5 or 6 times. In 2 months.
So, I've started a Chip In account for some food funds for the next week. Thankfully, I'm not asking for a lot. I done some quick math, and basically, $35 should be plenty. In fact, I may be overestimating. Now, my shows have roughly 2000 downloads a month. That's 2000 fans. I'm just hoping that 35 of you can spare a dollar. That's 1.75% of the combined listener-ship to Gilmore Girls Re-watch, Singular Achievement Phenomenon, Geek of all Trades, and The Casting Game.
The close date on this is the 5th. And if you're a fan of the Gilmore Girls Re-watch or SAP podcasts, get in touch with me, and I'll see about making you guest co-hosts for an episode of either show. Though if there are actually 35 of you I'll have to spread that out a bit. ;-)
Thanks for your consideration. The lights are on at Arkle Studios. We just need to make sure the guy manning the computers doesn't collapse on the job. ;-)
26 July 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 44: I Can't Get Started
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Saturday B Movie Reel
Plot Summary: It's Sookie's wedding day and Jackson is wearing a kilt. Jess and Rory happen to see each other before the wedding, which Rory and Lorelai are part of. Chris has to leave because his girlfriend calls with some news.
22 July 2011
SAP Special: Two Hit Wonders
But only for about half the episode. ;-)
21 July 2011
Announcing the Songs for the August 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
Goldfinger by Shirley Bassey (1965)
Tootsee Roll by 69 Boyz (1994)
MacArthur Park by Richard Harris (1968)
Again, the episode will be coming out August 11 barring any technical difficulties. See you then.
19 July 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 43: Lorelai's Graduation Day
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Into The Dark
Plot Summary: After doing her best to avoid Luke, Lorelai can't avoid the inevitable, but Luke isn't ready to patch things up yet. Rory invites her grandparents to her mom's graduation, but misses it herself after cutting school to meet Jess in New York.
12 July 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 42: Help Wanted
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
British Invaders
Plot Summary: Lorelai helps her dad open his new office and gets the cold shoulder when she tells him she has a job already. Rory tries to let everyone know Jess wasn't the only one at fault for the accident and with a new music store in town, Lane discovers her new love.
11 July 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #3: Spirit in the Sky, I'd Love to Change the World, One Toke Over The Line, Shaving Cream
Available At: and
Promos: The Type 40 Podcast and Moral of the Story
Songs Discussed:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Guest Co-Host:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
06 July 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 41: Teach Me Tonight
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
No Promo today. Instead we have a song by The Moneyshot Cosmonauts
Plot Summary: Luke asks Rory to tutor Jess who is close to failing, but Jess uses it to get closer to Rory and when they get into a car accident, Lorelai takes it out on Luke for taking Jess in to begin with. Lorelai takes over the movie selection for the town square movie night, but in the end realizes why Taylor chooses the same movie every year and Kirk uses the night to show off his work.
05 July 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 40: Back in the Saddle Again
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Type 40 Podcast
Plot Summary: After helping Rory out with her business project for the annual Chilton Business Fair, Richard realizes retirement isn't for him. Meanwhile Dean, for good reason, is feeling insecure about Rory. Michel's mother visits and their once great relationship is over after Lorelai interferes.
28 June 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 39: Dead Uncles & Vegetables
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Moral of the Story
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Rory help out at the diner while Luke is left to plan his unpleasant uncle's funeral, which causes him to reflect on his own existence. Meanwhile, Emily lends a hand planning Sookie's wedding and the skies the limit.
21 June 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 38: There's The Rub
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Marc Gunn's Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Emily spend a weekend at a health spa, but they sneak out for some real food at a local restaurant where Emily dances with a distinguished stranger, then blames Lorelai for her feelings of guilt. Back at home, Rory looks forward to a rare evening alone, but when Paris, Jess and Dean all drop by to keep her company, the sparks fly.
20 June 2011
Announcing the Songs for the July 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
I'd Love to Change the World by Ten years After (1971)
One Toke Over the Line by Brewer & Shipley (1971)
Shaving Cream by Benny Bell (1975)
Again, the episode will be coming out Ju;y 11 barring any technical difficulties. See you then.
15 June 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 37: Lost and Found
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
None. The show is already late this week, why waste precious time picking out a promo?
Plot Summary: Rory panics when she suddenly realizes that she lost the bracelet Dean made for her, and when a suspicious Lorelai catches Jess in Rory's room, she accuses him of stealing the bracelet. Meanwhile, Luke goes a little stir-crazy after living with Jess in the tiny apartment over the diner, and he impulsively buys the building so he can expand.
11 June 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #2: Groove is in the Heart, Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomp Bomp Bomp), Collide, Cry Me a River
Available At: and
Promo: None. Show was running long as is.
Songs Discussed:,_Bomp,_Bomp%29
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Guest Co-Host:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
07 June 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 36: It Should've Been Lorelai
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
How to Grow Your Geek
Plot Summary: Christopher and his girlfriend Sherry visit Stars Hollow leading Sherry to push for a Friday night out alone with Rory to bond. So Lorelai takes Christopher to a tumultuous Friday night dinner at her parents. Lorelai, thinking she missed out on a life with Christopher, confesses her self-realization.
31 May 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 35: A-Tisket, A-Tasket
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
I Should Be Writing
Plot Summary: During the annual Stars Hollow charity picnic basket auction, both Lorelai and Rory's baskets have more competition then they both anticipated. Meanwhile Jackson refuses to bid on Sookie's basket leading them to work on their communication. Rory and Lorelai have their own communication problems but work it out after Emily sides with Lorelai's initial reaction to Jess worming his way into Rory's life.
29 May 2011
Regarding my cousin, anger, & grief
Like I said on Facebook, it still doesn't feel real. I keep expecting it to turn out to be a creepily real dream or even a really cruel prank. But I am ready to talk about it now.
I wasn't as close to her (or her brother, or my cousins in Texas) as I wanted to be through no fault of my own. In addition to sadness, I feel angry. I feel robbed. Her mother and my grandmother were fighting about something, years ago (like 15 years I think, I know that's the last time I saw Robin). I can't even remember what it was, but as a result, I was basically cut off from a large chunk of my family for a lot of years. Until Facebook, I really had no idea what my cousins Robin, Matthew, Zach, Caitlin and Megan were up to. And even after Friending there, we still didn't talk to each other. I probably should've tried to initiate but I couldn't think of anything to say. As for why they wouldn't talk to me, I would hope that they just had the same doubts I did and this wasn't just some sort of assumption that I was on "Judy's side," whatever that was. I was living with my grandmother at the time, and even though I was like 11 years old, I got caught up in it all against my will. I had Becky and Michael around occasionally, but we started to drift apart too. This family, which had seemed so close when I was a kid was fracturing and I was nothing but an observer, as useless as the Monitors in DC's Countdown. As of early this year, the only cousin I had any contact was Michael, and half our conversations were about weed and why the hell does he like Twilight? I didn't even know my cousin Becky, who'd been like a sister to me, was married and pregnant until she was showing.
I had always hoped that one day I could do something to get all us Webber-Le Sech kids back together. Naive maybe, but there it was. But now I won't get that chance, and I'm sad, and I'm angry, and I'm sad that I'm angry. And I wish I could discuss these feelings with my family (or at least the Webber side of it), but I remember what it was like back then and I fear accusations of "taking the wrong side" or some other bullshit like I would hear when I was younger. So here I am, opening up to people I've never met in most cases except for those of you who've bumped into me at BaltiCon or DragonCon.
This post wasn't planned out. I just needed to say something. I've been relatively quiet on the social networks since Wednesday evening when I got home from work and I got the phone call telling me that Robin, my 23 year old cousin, was dead. I've been thinking about how I feel, wondering why it happened, and going through the motions of listening to my daily podcasts but only half listening. It was time to stop bottling this up. Especially since I record new episodes of Gilmore girls Re-watch tonight and a taciturn Arkle does not make for a good show.
I am going to be OK in the end. We weren't that close, and it had been years since we'd done anything but confirm Friend Requests on Facebook. But that's the thing isn't it? Because her Mom and my Grandma fought about something that can't have been that big of a deal if I can't remember it when I can remember my first act of political activism (at age 6), I never knew, and will never get to know, what kind of person Robin was. She was family, but I didn't get to know her. That's not how it should go, especially when they weren't that many of us to begin with. We're not Catholics, we're not like my buddy Nate at the Moral of the Story podcast who said he's got more than 20 cousins. It shouldn't have been this way, and I shouldn't have had to suffer that lost connection. I was a kid dammit!
OK, it's time to stop this now. But I felt I had to write something, so I did. It's probably not very good, but then again did it have to be?
The next time you hear from me it will be about happier things. Be seeing you.
24 May 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 34: Richard in Stars Hollow
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Gamma Quadrant
Plot Summary: Newly retired Richard is driving Emily crazy, so Lorelai is coerced into taking her father for a day in Stars Hollow, where he proceeds to drive both Lorelai and Rory batty while criticizing every aspect of their lives and refusing to let Rory accept the car that Dean has built for her.
19 May 2011
Announcing the Songs for the June 11 episode of Singular Achievement Phenomenon
- Groove is in the Heart by Deee-Lite (1990)
- Who Put the Bomp (In the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp) by Barry Mann (1961)
- Collide by Howie Day (2005)
- Cry Me A River by Julie London (1955)
17 May 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 33: Secrets and Loans
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Best of the Left
Plot Summary: Lorelai's concern over the fact that she can't afford to repair her home's extensive termite damage turns to anger when Rory tells Emily about their problem and Emily again offers Lorelai a loan.
Also, the hosts make it clear that none of them cared for Game of Thrones. Let the fanboy rage begin!
11 May 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #1: Sh-boom, Who Let the Dogs out?, Cars, and Smooth Criminal
Available At: and
Promo: The FUMP:
Songs Discussed:
Sh-boom by The Chords:
Who Let The Dogs Out? by The Baha Men:
Cars by Gary Numan:
Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Guest Co-Host:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
10 May 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 32: The Bracebridge Dinner
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Geologic Podcast
Plot Summary: While Rory struggles to keep the budding rivalry between Dean and Jess under control, Lorelai invites most of the citizens of Stars Hollow to an elaborate feast complete with Elizabethan costumes and horse-drawn sleigh rides, during which Richard announces to Emily that he has retired.
03 May 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 31: Run Away, Little Boy
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Geek Out! with Mainframe
Plot Summary: When Rory and Tristan are cast as Romeo and Juliet in a school play, a jealous Dean insists on attending every rehearsal, forcing Rory to beg Tristan not to tell Dean about the time they shared a kiss, while Lorelai has to put up with Luke's teasing after she dates a much younger guy.
30 April 2011
The Casting Game #15: Order of the Stick
In this episode, Nate Hasiak and Bronzethumb cast a live version of the popular webcomic Order of the Stick.
Clikc the title of this entry to go to the Casting Game website to vote.
27 April 2011
Singular Achievement Phenomenon #0: Funkytown
Available At: and
Promo: Irish and Celtic Music Podcast:
Songs Discussed:
Funkytown by Lipps, Inc.:
Funkytown by Pseudo Echo:
Videos (where applicable):
Contact the Show:
Guest Co-Host:
Voicemail Line: 206-HAM-LODGE
26 April 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 30: The Ins and Outs of Inns
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Milk Carton TV
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Sookie have the first fight of their long friendship when, upon hearing that the Independence Inn may be sold, Lorelai panics and decides that their shared dream of opening an inn together is doomed to failure.
19 April 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 29: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Funny Music Project
Plot Summary: Chilton's headmaster Charleston thinks Rory isn't properly socializing and when Lorelai disagrees he tells her Rory may be taking after her mom. Rory's attempt to reach out gets her involved with a sorority while Lorelai becomes a booster.
Introducing the newest show in the Arkle Studios repetoire

This new podcast which will be hosted by myself (Arkle), podcast novelist T.M. Camp, and a guest co-host each episode will discuss a topic near and dear to all music lovers; one hit wonders. ;-)
The show is still in development at the moment, but the format as it currently stands is each month on the 11th a new episode goes into the feed wherein the hosts discuss 4 randomly selected one hit wonder songs (using the standard of any artist/band to have only one song break the Billboard Top 100 charts).
Before each episode comes out, the 4 songs will be listed here so you can have a chance to listen to them yourself (if by chance you haven't heard them before) before the episode comes out.
Coming up in the next week or so, we will have an Episode 0 where we only discuss one song, done twice. Yes, we'll be not only covering a one hit wonder, but a one hit wonder that was a cover of the first one hit wonder. The song in question is that song that you have danced to at least once, even if you will never admit it in public, Funkytown by Lipps, Inc. from 1980, as well as it's 1986 cover by the Australian group Pseudo Echo. This episode will mainly be done to work our some of the kinks in the show's format, and decide what might and might not work for the show.
Now, as it stands we will not be discussing any songs from after 2006 (2007 for next year, 2008 for 2013, etc.) since T.M. and I agreed that that's enough time for some of those alleged one hit wonders to have a second shot at the charts. But, if there are any one hit wonders you just HAVE to hear us talk about, use the contact info on the right hand side of this website, and, although I won't promise we WILL do it, it will certainly be considered.
Episode 0 will, with more than 90% certainty, be out sometime next week, while Episode 1 should be out on May 11. The songs planned for that episode are;
- Sh-Boom by The Chords (1954)
- Who Let the Dogs Out? by The Baha Men (2000)
- Cars by Gary Numan (1980)
- Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm (2001)
12 April 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast #28: Presenting Lorelai Gilmore
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Plot Summary: Rory surprises everyone by agreeing to Emily's request that she make her debut at a Debutante Ball, and when Lorelai asks Rory's dad Christopher to present his daughter to society, she finds herself attracted to the new, more responsible man he has become.
05 April 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 27: Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Tales From The Archives
Plot Summary: Lorelai's well-intentioned advice falls on deaf ears when Luke reluctantly takes in his wild 17-year-old nephew Jess, while Rory finds herself attracted to the town's newest resident
It's just a jump to the left...
29 March 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 26: The Road Trip to Harvard
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
No promo this show. Long story.
Plot Summary: The Gilmore Girl's road trip takes them to a most unusual bed and breakfast and more importantly to tour Harvard and Rory's possible future. Meanwhile Lorelai decides to move forward with her dream of opening an inn.
22 March 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 25: Red Light on the Wedding Night
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
How To Grow Your Geek
Plot Summary: During a wild bachelorette party thrown by Sookie, Lorelai makes an impulsive phone call to Rory's dad Christopher and sadly realizes that Max is not the man for her. Also, Stars Hollow gets it's first traffic light.
08 March 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 24: Hammers and Veils
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Babylon Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai avoids telling her parents about her engagement to Max, while Rory urges her to spill. But due to a call from Sookie asking them to come to a surprise wedding shower for the happy couple, they already know, and are appalled that Lorelai didn't tell them and so they give her the cold shoulder. Meanwhile, Rory and Dean are having trouble in paradise due to the fact that Rory suddenly becomes obsessed with finding enough extracurricular activities that will set her apart from the hundreds of other Harvard applicants.
01 March 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 23: Sadie, Sadie
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the
subject line.
Special Thanks To:
I Should Be Writing
Plot Summary: Lorelai accepts Max's proposal, but when Emily hears about the upcoming wedding from Sookie, she is hurt and angry that Lorelai didn't bother to tell her. Meanwhile, Rory brings Dean to dinner at her grandparents' house and Richard's obvious disapproval of Dean leads to the first fight between Rory and her grandfather.
Note: This is the first episode with the new intro.
23 February 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 22: Season 1 Wrap Up
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Tuning In To Sci-Fi TV
Arkle and Angela discuss Season 1 as a whole for quite a bit. And believe it or not, long as this episode is, you're still only getting about 2/3rd of our conversation. ;-)
22 February 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 21: Love, Daisies and Troubadours
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Marc Gunn's Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
Plot Summary: Lorelai is becoming seriously involved with Max just as she finds herself getting in the middle of another relationship when Luke's girlfriend Rachel accuses him of being in love with Lorelai. Meanwhile, Rory has her own romance drama and tries to work up the courage to win Dean back.
15 February 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 20: P.S. I Lo...
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
The Weird Show
Plot Summary: Lorelai and Max start dating again. After a fight with Lorelai, Rory spends the night at her grandparent's house. Lorelai confronts Dean about the break-up.
Note: Stay tuned after the outro for a little bonus clip. ;-)
08 February 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 19: Emily in Wonderland
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Comedy 4 Cast
Plot Summary: Rory takes her grandmother around Stars Hollow for a day. She's horrified to see where Lorelai and Rory first lived.
Note: Spider-Man: One More Day still sucks.
03 February 2011
Geek of all Trades Episode #105: Waxing Philosophical
Wherein our hosts do just that :-).
Contact Us
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634 or 206-HAM-LODGE
Arkleites Facebook group:
Twitter: G33kOfAllTrades
Arkle Studios:
Intro/Outro Music: "Sun In The Eyes" by Orchestra Macaroon:
Song: "Grandmother's Place" by Allison Lonsdale, from "Live at Lestat's" (lyrics)
* The Casting Game:
Worst Wingnuts On My Mind
* Worse: Tea Party GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann thinks founding fathers ended slavery
* Worser: Piven Responds To Beck: "It Only Takes One Person Who Is A Little Deranged"
* Worsest: Rep. Peter King: "80 Percent Of Mosques In This Country Are Controlled By Radical Imams"
Also Mentioned on the Show
* National Orange Show:
* Rain on the Rose Parade:
* Scientists supersize quantum mechanics:
* Theisms: (specifically Panentheism, Pantheism, Polytheism, with a touch of Animism)
* Imbolc:
* The Rites of Brigid: Goddess & Saint
01 February 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 18: The Third Lorelai
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Plot Summary: Lorelai's paternal grandmother arrives from England and stresses Emily out in a big way.
Note: Sorry, GG's not on Hulu.
25 January 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 17: The Breakup: Part 2
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Every World News
Plot Summary: Rebounding from a fight with Dean, Rory ends up kissing Tristan at a party, while Lorelai follows her own impulse to show up at Max's house for a night of passion.
18 January 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 16: Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Carrie P's Cocktail Party
Plot Summary: It's Rory and Dean's 3-months anniversary, and he plans a special surprise, but it doesn't quite go as he planned. Luke's old girlfriend, Rachel, turns up.
10 January 2011
The Music of Geek of all Trades #4 of 4
They Finished Reading The Internet by The Jackass-Penguin Show
42 by Tim George
42 by Coldplay
Rentboy by Robert Lund and
The Man Don't Like It by The Volume Brothers
Lost Without My Lost by Power Salad
Chance of a Lifetime by Future
Follow Me Up To Carlow by Murder the Stout
Time to Go by Simon Fagan
Unfairionaire by Lord T and Eloise
It's Good To Be The King by the great Luke Ski
The Hyrule Connection by Rocket Propelled Geek
Input/Output by neo cartoon lover
Eyesore by Amelia
I'll Be Over You by Andy McKee
I Can't Wait by David Ippolito
Kill Myself To Death by Team Smile and Nod
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 15: Christopher Returns
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Milk Carton TV
Plot Summary: Christopher visits the Hollow for the first time and Rory shows him off and shows him the town. Dinner with the parents ends up with both Rory's grand parents fighting. After talking up his business venture, Lorelai gets Christopher to admit he's failing and has him proposing before leaving town.
05 January 2011
Gilmore Girls Re-watch Podcast Episode 14: That Damn Donna Reed
Voicemail Line: 206.426.5634
E-Mail: Be sure to include something about Gilmore Girls in the subject line.
Special Thanks To:
Best of the Left
Plot Summary: Rory and Dean fight, because Dean likes the idea of a 50s type house wife. Rory ends up pretending to be such that type of woman for an evening.